Step 1:

Save Your Spots!

Use the form below to save your spots (beginning November 1, 2024 at Noon EST). Place a $50 USD deposit per participant to save spots at a particular SERVE site. You’ll just need the number of youth and adult leader spots for your group. Within one week of submitting this form, you’ll receive a site confirmation letter by email confirming which site your group has been placed at and providing you the access code that your group will use to complete your paperwork in Step 2.

Save my spot

Step 2:

Complete Your Online Registration

After you place your deposit and receive your site confirmation letter with your access code, you can then complete your online registration for each participant individually. You must complete your registration by April 1, 2025. All registrations completed on April 2 through April 15, will be charged with a $25 late fee. All registrations completed after April 15, 2025, will be charged a $50 late fee.

Complete my registration

Step 3:

Payment Due

All payments for SERVE must be in USD and completed in full by May 1, 2025. If you need to know the balance due or have any other payment questions, please call the office at (616) 241-5616.

If not paying online through the registration link in your email, call or email the ThereforeGo Ministries office to pay via credit card or send a check in USD to 4695 44th Street SE Suite 130, Kentwood, MI 49512.

Background checks are due for all adults on May 15.  For more information on the ThereforeGo background check policy, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact us!