
Youth Ministry

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Shout it Aloud

“Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.” –Isaiah 58:1a May this be your prayer, today and every day: God, you are holy, loving and just. I want to walk with you in the adventure of transforming this world. Pursuing justice and caring for...
Serve 2013 | Youth Mission Experience | Youth Unlimited

Bridging the Gap

Every summer a group of students and leaders from our church embarks on a service opportunity through Youth Unlimited. We have chosen our location carefully, prayed and prepared ourselves for the week ahead. As we gather in the church parking lot—bags full, a bit anxious, unsure of...
Sioux Falls Summer Mission for Teens Youth Unlimited

Finding My Own Faith

I grew up in a tumultuous home. My family was lower class, and I was the middle child of a somewhat recovered alcoholic father and a mother who was trying to piece together what her newfound faith in God meant for her and for her household. As...