The Church has left the building!

Does your congregation’s heart break for those in your community that need a helping hand, a word of encouragement, some special care, and/or a relationship with Jesus? Or does it need help developing that passion? ThereforeGo Ministries believes the local church (community of believers) is the tool God created to show his love in our world. We are passionate about partnering with local congregations who have a heart for missions and students. We believe this is a great combination that can have a tremendous Kingdom impact! Learn more below or contact us.

ThereforeGo intentionally partners with churches to host our SERVE mission experiences.

Each ThereforeGo SERVE mission experience is run by a Host Team of 8-10 volunteers from a local church where the mission trip for teens is taking place.

These dedicated volunteers organize the SERVE experience with the full support of ThererforeGo and your congregation. Together, ThereforeGo and the local Host Team strive to organize a week of service that will have a long-term impact on your community, your congregation, and on the students and leaders who come to serve.

A SERVE experience is at its best when relationships are formed between those who are serving and those who are being served, recognizing that those who are being served have as much to give and share as those doing the serving.

Churches that host SERVE welcome students and their youth leaders for a week. The number of participants that your church could accommodate (sleeping, feeding, service capacity, etc) will determine the size of your site. SERVE sites range in size from hosting 25-125 people, with the average being 50-60 people.

We currently offer 3 types of SERVE Experiences:

  • Mission trips for High School students
  • Mission trips for Middle School students
  • Custom Mission Trips

Throughout your hosting experience, ThereforeGo will provide you with:

  • Training
  • Prayer support
  • Administrative details
  • Marketing/Promotion
  • Spiritual Life Materials
  • Financial resources
  • Registration System
  • …and more!

Our Host Team Prep Kit explains in further detail about how to host a SERVE mission experience in your area.



Interested in Hosting SERVE?

If hosting a SERVE teen summer mission experience sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Amanda Roozeboom at or 616.241.5616 ext. 3046 or fill out the form to the right.

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