Meet the team
The whole team of ThereforeGo Ministries is more than the staff and board members shown here. In fact, at each ThereforeGo SERVE experience there is a congregation and its team of 8-10 volunteers who plan and organize each SERVE. So our team is really hundreds of people praying and planning across Canada and the United States with a passion to serve you as you minister to and with students!
Amanda Roozeboom
SERVE Director
616.241.5616 x3046

Kalee Beecher
SERVE Coordinator
616-241-5616 x3038

MacKenzie Knoll
Communication and Events Coordinator

Ron deVries
Ministry Ambassador

Board of Directors
Luke VanderLeest, President — Sioux Falls, SD
Dan Hermen, Vice President — Grand Rapids, MI
Don Koops, Treasurer — Osborne, KS
Lauren Abrell, Secretary — Grand Rapids, MI
Amy Van Guilder-Dik — Fort Collins, CO
Julie DeGraaf — Grand Rapids, MI
Andrea Featherstone — Toronto, ON
Deone Quist — Boulder, CO
Josh VanHulzen — Sioux Falls, SD