You can play an important role in reaching this generation of youth with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ.
In 2024, ThereforeGo…
- Has over 1000 participants attending SERVE
- Has twenty churches hosting SERVE sites across the US and Canada
- Has hosted trainings and mentoring initiatives for churches wanting to engage emerging adults

Your gift will create the space for students to…
- Enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ
- Spend time reading the Bible
- Worship God through singing
- See a broken world in need of Jesus
- Use their talents and energy to serve others in the name of Jesus
- See how a local church vibrantly reflects the love of Jesus in its community

At ThereforeGo, we have a passion to be an authentic, church-assisting ministry through which students are making life-long decisions for Christ!
All donations are tax deductible.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help!
Canadian Tax Receipts are available by special request.
ThereforeGo Ministries is a Member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) in the United States, an Associate Member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) in Canada, and an Associate Member of Mission Excellence.
Checks can be mailed to:
ThereforeGo Ministries
4695 44th Street SE, Suite 130
Kentwood, MI 49512
(616) 241-5616
ThereforeGo Ministries
261 Woodall Way
Woodstock, ON N4T 0K9
Donate online by credit card
Thank you for your gift! To donate by credit card, please use the links below. Or, if you’d prefer, mail us a check to an above address.
Please click here to donate in USD
Please click here to donate in CAD