Middle School: A Key Age

Interview with Scott Post

“I would say youth who have participated in SERVE go on to be more regularly involved in local service opportunities, both while they are in high school and beyond.”

In a cultural climate which tells us our youth are leaving the church and faith in God is declining, Scott believes middle school is a key age to engage students in faith formation.

During the year, Scott encourages his middle schoolers to go past just reading their Bibles and praying every day. “We’ve spent a lot of time in the context of our community intentionally building spiritual practices that help us live out the gospel.” SERVE, for his group, becomes an extension of that goal. “SERVE is a spiritual practice of trying on, for a short period of time, what it means to live out the gospel. Because they had a good feeling or a good experience serving people in these other contexts, they have an easier time thinking, oh, maybe it would be ok to spend my time and my life serving people here, right where I live.”

The students on these trips cannot always see for themselves the impact SERVE has. “[If this is their first time signing up], they are expecting this is going to be an enjoyable trip, most likely with their friends, where they are going to meet new people, learn about God, serve some people and probably have a lot of fun. In the process of reflection [after the trip], they start to see how the experience of SERVE is deeply connected to what they believe about God or what we believe about Jesus or what it means to live out the gospel story.”

There is no doubt in Scott’s mind that bringing both middle schoolers and high schoolers on SERVE is valuable and worth it. He encourages others to “trust the results” and says, “Our church has seen the fruit of [SERVE] play out in these kids’ lives and years down the road. Easily.”

Scott is the Youth Pastor at CrossPoint CRC in Brampton, ON
[This is an excerpt from the Fall 2018 Magazine. To read more stories CLICK HERE.]

Middle School Mission Trip (SERVE) Testimony

In the summer of 2013, I went on my fifth middle school mission trip. It was my seventh Serve in the past five years and my eighth overall. Why do I keep going?

As someone who struggles with energy on a regular basis, I can honestly say that a Serve experience is one of the highlights of my year. The youth are so full of the Spirit during that week that it’s contagious. Between working together, praising together, playing games together, the energy and spirit that is passed on is truly God-given.

At one middle school Serve we met a woman who, along with her husband, had adopted two South American children. They were then blessed with their own, which was not supposed to be possible. Her husband suddenly passed away when their son was only eight months old, leaving her with three kids, and a family farm. Our theme that year was Shalom, Peace No Matter What, and as someone who could have turned her back on God, she felt blessed by God and the community. What an awesome spirit. I was blessed to go back the following year to help get her new house ready to move in, and now as her Facebook friend have witnessed her finding new love and remarrying. God is great.

Friendship Christian Reformed Church in Byron Center, Michigan is a phenomenal Host Team and never fails to make us feel welcome, bring wonderful praise and worship, and great sites that allow us to learn and grow in God.

By the way, I will be attending my ninth and tenth Serve during the summer of 2014!

A Look at Middle School Serve

The relationships and friendships of Serve that last long beyond the summer are just one of the awesome reasons why we, here at Friendship CRC, host middle school Serve year after year.


As a Host Team, we seek to provide a time of worship that is authentic and transparent, a worship experience that facilitates the work of the Holy Spirit in the transformation of young people’s lives. We laugh and we cry as we share our struggles with one another; we talk through the hard stuff and reveal some of the deepest parts of our hearts. As we empty the hearts of these young people, we fill them with God’s unconditional love, a peace that can only come from our Savior, and a hope grounded in the promises God has made to each of us.


I am amazed every year how God transforms and works in the lives of these young people through the work projects, the people we serve, the times of worship, and the fun we have together as a family. Each year Friendship CRC is blessed through Serve with a small glimpse of what the new Kingdom will look like; a family in Christ living, working, playing, and worshiping for the one true God.


We could use another twenty students and youth leaders at our Serve in 2014. And, I would also highly recommend any church thinking about becoming a middle school Host Team, step out in faith and be a part of an amazing opportunity. Be blessed and become a blessing by serving the awesome young people of God’s incredible Kingdom.


“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” ~Mark 10:45