Here are 5 ways you can pray in preparation for your upcoming mission trip.
1. Pray for the relationships that will be formed and strengthened by this experience…
“Lord, I pray that during this experience you would fill me with compassion, generosity, kindness and respect as I interact with the people I encounter. Teach me to look at the heart of people – the way you do – instead of judging by outward appearances. Give me sympathetic ears and observant eyes to be sensitive to the needs of those around me. Lastly, help me to remember this is a temporary community, cherishing the time I have with others while holding the knowledge that we will all go our separate ways soon.”
(1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Proverbs 17:17)
2. Pray for your time at the worksites…
“Dear Father, enable me to understand and appreciate the situations I am walking into at worksites this week. Give me humility, wisdom and respect as I interact with others so that I will not offend anyone involved. Empower me to work with all my heart for you, Lord. Guard me against laziness, inattention, frustration, unrealistic expectations and other attitudes that can get me off course.”
(1 Corinthians 10:23-32; Colossians 3:23)
3. Pray for the times of worship and spiritual encounters during the week…
“Jesus, grant me a renewed joy in knowing you this week. Strengthen me to speak God’s Word boldly and to be prepared to explain my hope in Christ. Speak to me during devotions, through my small group and at the evening worship. Help me to grow in the fruits of the spirit during this week and carry these lessons home so that my faith would continue to grow and strengthen in the months to come.”
(1 Peter 3:15; Galatians 2:20; Galatians 5:22-23)
4. Pray for safety in the travel to and from the mission trip…
“Lord, I praise you that you do not sleep as you watch over me. Keep me and my group physically safe and healthy as we travel. Please provide me with patience and flexibility if things do not go according to the plan.”
(Psalm 121; James 4:14-16; Philippians 4:6)
5. Pray for the leaders on the trip…
“Heavenly Father, I pray that you would provide encouragement to the leaders and organizers of our mission trip. Help them remain faithful with the things you’ve entrusted to them. Let them set examples in speech, life, love and faith. Give them discernment to deal with any problems that may arise.”
(1 Corinthians 4:1-3; 1 Timothy 4:12)
We believe prayer is always impactful and hope that these prompts help you find a healthy state of emotional and spiritual well-being before you set off on your experience. Also, don’t forget to continue praying during your trip and as you head home.
Other resources to help you prepare for a mission trip include:
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